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Flicks 'n' Fun Blog

Discover the freshest updates in the realm of movie and TV posters. Our blog delivers the scoop on news, perspectives, trends, and diverse cultural angles concerning posters. Stay connected to the ever-changing entertainment landscape as we explore engaging analyses of the most talked-about film and TV posters. From emerging innovations to effective approaches, our blog offers a wealth of valuable insights to keep you informed and motivated. Join us for an enlightening read and stay ahead of the curve with our thought-provoking content.

Taglines! I love them, and you probably do, too! I think they’re like the seasoning to a movie poster, making it pop and sizzle. A well-crafted tagline has the power to lure you in and tug at your curiosity. Many times, they appear on the key art—especially when the producers

When you are in the business of creating many posters per month, like we are, sometimes it seems as though they are all starting to look the same. It is true that there’s nothing new under the sun. I came across a 2020 article by Liucija Adomaite and Justinas Keturka.

I remember the first time I came across the Silence of the Lambs movie poster. When I noticed the details, I was blown away. I loved the fact that the skull on the back of the moth that covers Jodie Foster’s mouth is actually a photo of naked women, “In Voluptas Mors.”


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Taglines! I love them, and you probably do, too! I think they’re

When you are in the business of creating many posters per month,

I remember the first time I came across the Silence of the Lambs movie

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