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Flicks 'n' Fun Blog

Discover the freshest updates in the realm of movie and TV posters. Our blog delivers the scoop on news, perspectives, trends, and diverse cultural angles concerning posters. Stay connected to the ever-changing entertainment landscape as we explore engaging analyses of the most talked-about film and TV posters. From emerging innovations to effective approaches, our blog offers a wealth of valuable insights to keep you informed and motivated. Join us for an enlightening read and stay ahead of the curve with our thought-provoking content.

One of my earliest introductions to the world of art was through Salvador Dalí. I came across   The Persistence of Memory – fitting, now that I write this. LOL…Even now,  that first encounter still registers in my mind, like a familiar song from childhood, both nostalgic and deeply stirring.

Starting a business is a lot like raising a child: it demands patience, perseverance, and the occasional sleepless night. And like all parents, every business owner has two fervent wishes: profit and growth. In the entertainment industry, there’s an added craving for recognition, a magical ingredient that can catapult a

Why don’t designers love AI? Someone asked me recently, “Why don’t designers love AI?” It’s not that we don’t love AI; we absolutely do. It’s just that AI isn’t the end-all, be-all of creativity. Think of it like this: AI is a fantastic sous-chef, but it’s the human chef who


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One of my earliest introductions to the world of art was through

Starting a business is a lot like raising a child: it demands

Why don’t designers love AI? Someone asked me recently, “Why don’t designers

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